Welcome to the Hot Deals Club of Boston! This website is updated 2-3 times daily. Only a few deals get posted each day, because we only post the deals that we deem to be "hot deals" after careful scrutiny by our editors. This site was created to help you get the most for your dollar, because we are tired of people constantly getting ripped off. Although an ad may appear on this site to help offset its operating costs, the Hot Deals Club is a non-profit organization. The information herein is provided for informational purposes only. We do not profit from our visitors' clicks on links in any way, so as to not sway our decisions of which deals are truly hot enough to make it to this site. Please use these coupons and deals wisely, and at your own risk. If you wish to send an email or submit a hot-deal to the Hot Deals Maniac, use maniac@HotDealsClub.com (text only; NO fancy HTML!). Hot Deals Club privacy commitment.
last updated: Friday, April 13, 2001, 6:30pm (EDT)