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Created:Friday, September 28, 2012
Members: Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 00:00 eastern (788 days ago)
Public: Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 00:00 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Domain Registration and Renewal Deals

New .com $6.17 for the first year only. Code: CJC599V
New .com and free privacy service $8.17 per year. Select 1 or more years, and the price stays at $8.17 per year with free privacy for every year purchased during initial registration. Code: LKSRTLDBP
New .net $8.17 per year. Select 1 or more years, and the price is $8.17 per year. Code EXTREME123
New .co $8 for the first year only Code: CJC799CCB1
.com transfer into Godaddy $7.67 Code: ZINE10
Renewals, for existing Godaddy customers:
.com Renewal $8.67 per year Code CJC795DOM
.net Renewal $7.68 per year Code GDBBA547
.org Renewal $7.67 per year Code GDBBA547
35% off any order, any domain suffix Code: GDX347DE
Codes can be re-used across separate orders under the same account.

Privacy services hide your mailing & email addresses, however beware that legitimate businesses may be ranked lower on search engines when their contact information is hidden. The simple rule is, individuals have good reason to protect their privacy, but legitimate businesses want customers to contact them. Businesses with something to hide may not be legitimate. If you are a legitimate business and your contact information is hidden, you may want to consider making it public or you may lose potential customers.
Categories:internet services

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