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Created:Saturday, November 26, 2011
Members: Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 17:33 eastern (661 days ago)
Public: Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 17:33 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:N/A
Countries:available in USA
Details:American Express Small Business Saturday:
If you previously enrolled your Amex Card before today in the American Express Small Business Saturday promotion, don't forget to spend $25 in a single transaction at a local small business today, which will credit you $25 on your Amex statement. Search for qualifying local businesses.

A "local small business" don't necessarily have to be on that list to be eligible, since many don't even have a Facebook presence. If a retail store or restaurant owns only one location, or they have only a couple locations within the same general area, they should be considered a "small business". If they have several locations or are associated with a chain of locations, they are not a small business. If you want to know for sure, walk into a store and ask if they are eligible for today's American Express Small Business promotion. If they accept Amex, they should have been notified by Amex that they are eligible.

Update: If you cannot decide what & where to buy today, perhaps just buy a $25 gift card at a local restaurant, local theater, or a local shop. Gift cards work with this promotion, as long as you buy it directly from the store (as in, the credit card transaction for the gift card would appear on your statement as regular purchase made at the cash register at the retail location).
Companies:American Express

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