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last updated: February 18, 2003 at 10:00pm (EST)

New York City:
Plows left behind a mountain on Fifth Avenue & 49th Street in Manhattan:

New Yorkers show off the spirit of NYC as passerby's helped stranded taxis:

Rarely will you find Time Square deserted...
and even rarer will you find a skiier:
    NYC visitors scale a mountain of snow at Radio City Music Hall:

As the light turned green, NYC's favorite method of transportation continued despite the blizzard:

Manchester NH:
A man sent me this photo of the snow he shoveled, standing is his wife at 5' 10" tall:

Washington DC:

Phildelphia, PA:

Boston, MA:

At Harvard Square, a visitor from Miami tastes snow for the first time:

27.5 inches of snow fell on the city of Boston:







New Jersey:
